Solar Eclipse 2017 - Yakima River Canyon, Washington

      Here is our  Eclipse Experience in Eastern Washington within the Yakima River Canyon. Had planned to go down to Oregon and ground zero, but with predictions of the rural roads, that only see a handful of cars each day, could be a scene of rush hour traffic with millions of  people invading the countryside to see the full eclipse.  Camping grounds where charging $100 a night for campsites and there were reports on Sunday. that most small towns, usual with only one gas pump were out of gas and cars were stranded on the roadsides having to wait till Monday for the next once a week gas delivery. 

So we stayed in Washington and still had a great experience with a partial eclipse of about 92 %, most noticeable was how  cool, the air got for 3 minutes, going from 90 degrees down to about 75 and back up.  The light dimmed a bit, to a sunset quality of beautiful low reddish light for a moment.  The birds went to roast thinking evening was upon them.  The fishermen, where we camped thought about throwing out their lines wondered if the fish would get active again thinking it was another feeding time.

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